Sam Wu, Principle Attorney at Law & CEO
Attorney Wu began practicing law in 1989 as the youngest attorney in Canton Province, China. He then moved to the U. S. A. where he passed the California Bar Exam. He founded his law firm in 1996. Since moving to the USA he has continued his legal education completing many high level law courses, legal seminars and workshops. He is very passionate about his profession, diligently and continuously studying for the purpose of upgrading his knowledge of the law and litigation techniques.
Mr. Wu has intensive experience in both state and federal courts. He, also, has a great deal of experience handling international matters. His law practice has emphasized helping clients in both the Chinese community in the U.S.A. and clients in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. In addition to grasping the big picture, he pays particular attention to detail. He is personally involved with the quality of work handled by the firm’s associate attorneys and staff. He is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese languages.
Attorney Wu is a member of the California State Bar and American Bar Association. He is admitted to practice in California State Courts and Federal Courts. He has received the award of the “Master Advocate” designation in early 2018.
Attorney Wu has been frequently invited to be an expert guest for more than 400 broadcasts on major Chinese Media in California, where he discusses various law subjects. These broadcasts include TV, radio and webcasts, a number of the programs have audiences not only California, but throughout the U.S.A. and worldwide. He was invited by a TV station and a radio station to host the ‘Debt Free’ show series, reaching out to people in financial difficulty and involved with business disputes. Attorney Wu, also, has written many legal articles that have been published in major Chinese newspapers and magazines in California. He is one of the top-pick commercial and collection attorneys in the California Chinese Community.
Mr. Wu believes in strong family values. He has a wonderful wife and two beautiful children. He spends as much quality time as possible with his family. He enjoys reading and traveling.
伍律師應邀在加州主要華語電視台,電台及網絡電視台作法律專訪四百多次,部分節目傳播至全美及世界各地。包括鳳凰衛視丶LA18電視台丶東森衛視丶天下衛視丶台北國際衛視丶AM1300/1600電台丶AM1430電台丶AM1370電台丶洛杉磯華人資訊網及美西國際網絡電視等。節目包括《天天話題》丶《Law話事》丶《雄傑論法》丶《法律在線》丶《無債一身輕》丶《美夢成家》丶《洛城天地》丶《茶余飯後》及《尖峰時刻》等,其中《無債一身輕》出版成DVD全美發行。還在世界日報丶星島日報丶中國日報丶台灣日報丶僑報丶華人工商丶華商年鑒丶世界日報電話薄丶工商彩頁丶城市雜志丶多周刊丶世界周刊丶美國理財通丶世界地產等主要華語報紙發表法律文章近一百五十篇。口號“欠債務,找Sam Wu”及“律師伍雄傑,官司全解決”在加州華人社區家喻戶曉,頗負盛名。